Thursday 11 February 2016

X++ in AX7: Finally and using

Finally, X++ got support for the finally statement. It has exactly the same semantics as in C#. This means that you can now write:


The contents of the finally block is guaranteed to be executed - regardless of exceptions or transactions. It is typically used to clean up any usage of none-managed resources. And to make that construct even cleaner, you can use the using keyword for types implementing the

System.IDisposable interface.

using(var myObject = new MyObject())
This is short hand for:
var myObject = new MyObject();

One more thing…

Just like in C# the using statement can also be used to avoid providing fully qualified names when referencing .NET types. This means I can implement MyObject like this:

using System;
class MyObject implements IDisposable 
    public void Dispose()

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